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目前顯示的是 7月, 2017的文章
City pop
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看到這部影片 就打了這段XD 這次我打了中英版本 順便練英文(翻的好累= = ) English Translation is in []. 日本的這種City Pop 風格 自從在一年前在YouTube上找到以後 [I found this kind of music (City pop from Japan) on YouTube one year ago. ] 帶我度過了好多時光 有時候心情很難受的時候 [I listened to them since then, and it helped me go through some really hard times.] 就讓自己沉浸在裡面 [I let myself sink into the music, to ease my bad mood] City Pop 就像名字一樣 城市當中的Pop Music [Just like it's name, a Pop music in the city.] 在80年代 日本經濟處於頂峰 在泡沫經濟之前 [While in the 80's, Japan was at the peak of their economy, which was the time before Bubble Economy.] 日本製造了全世界都在用的電子產品 汽車 電器 [Japan produced products used by all of the world Walkman, cars,electrical products....] 間接帶動了日本整國的經濟 [Therefore, Japan's economy grew rapidly.] 蓬勃發展的都市充滿了人 [People started to move into city, simultaneously city became more vigorous.] 都市中的愛戀與分離 純真的愛情 速食的戀愛 [Love story in the big city, pure love , instant love ] 不夜的街道 熙往的人群 [Sleepless streets, crowded people] 人生的短暫以及及時行樂的想法 [The shortness of life, li...